- Rating
- Edad 22
- Sexo Mujer
- Ubicación Wonderland, United States of America (USA)
- Orientación sexual Bisexual
- Habla English
- Ojos Marrón
- Cabello Dark Brown
- Complexión Voluptuosa
- Tamaño de senos Grande: DD-DDD-E
Welcome to my page! I'm a college student, and I am new to the webcam biz. While I am still learning the ropes, don't hesitate to skype me! My category is the girlfriend experience, and I chose that category because I want to be the person that you look forward to talking to on a weekly or even daily basis. I want to ask you how your day at work was or what you made for dinner, you know, typical girlfriend stuff! We can just chat, play games, or chill. Or we can even have some, oh, you know.. fun, if you know what I mean! Whatever the case may be, you wont regret it. ;)
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